Before registering, please make sure you have read the full REGLAMENT
Each candidate needs to:
Submit a complete dossier of registration with all the required documentation:
- Registration form completed and signed
- Detailed artistic curriculum vitae of your professional and training experience.
- 2 photographs (artistic or passport format)
- Copy of the identity card or passport
- The candidate needs to send first all the above documentation, and only after the organization confirms by email that the application has been accepted, the candidate needs to pay the registration fee corresponding to the chosen category (s) and send the proof of payment before the deadline set in the regulations. Paying the fee up front does not equal being accepted as candidate, so please do not pay the fee before the candidature has been accepted by the organization.
Once the form has been completed and the transfer of the registration fee has been made, send all the documentation by email to:, indicating in the subject "Inscription Concurso Lírico Alicante 2019"